Sysmex XN-550 features a built-in autosampler that optimizes and increases workflow productivity with Rerun & Reflex and continuous loading features. This model also includes an Integrated Control Unit (IPU) operated via a compact color touchscreen display.
The XN-550 is based on proven and proven Sysmex technologies: fluorescence flow cytometry, hydrodynamic focusing, and cyanide-free SLS hemoglobin detection. The XN-550 can be upgraded with new extended clinical and performance metrics at any time, and when connected to the Extended IPU, extended professional service is also available.
What is Sysmex XN 550?
The Sysmex XN 550 is on the three models in the Sysmex XN-L series, the other being XN 350 and XN 450. It is an automated hematology analyzer that features multi-parameters for in-vitro diagnostic use in determining whole blood specimens. If you are not familiar with the term “hematology,” it is a branch of medicine that deals with identifying blood-related diseases.
Thanks to this fully automated analyzer, hematologists can detect blood-related diseases quickly, thereby diagnosing the proper treatment to cure or prevent the disease.
Overview of the Sysmex XN 550:
With XN 550, the Sysmex has moved the field of hematology beyond a better box. This automated analyzer is suitable for use in medium to large size laboratories. Besides, the Sysmex XN 550 is affordable and standardized to use common reagents controls and operating software.
The Sysmex XN 550 comes with an automated sample loader for true walkway capability and features an IPU with an LCD color touch screen. Besides, with its six-part differential, the XN 550 offers best-in-class technology for all types of clinical setups.
Another essential aspect is that it delivers the added value of having a reportable Immature Granulocyte on every sample. Hence, it offers improved clinical value. The Sysmex XN 550 also comes with other reportable parameters, thereby adding greater clinical value. Some of these parameters include an enhanced red blood cell flagging and a low white blood cell application.
The XN-550 analyzer is aimed at solving a wide range of tasks in various areas of clinical medicine.
Pediatrics and neonatology: small blood volume for analysis (25 μl) with the ability to directly enumerate immature granulocytes (IG) and antibody-producing cells (HFLC) with each analysis. Flagging and erythroblast counting (NRBC) capability.
Dialysis units: reticulocyte hemoglobin (RET-He) assessment to monitor EPO therapy and the ability to analyze peritoneal dialysis fluid.
Neurology: Availability of fast and standardized results of cytological analysis of cerebrospinal fluid 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Oncology: Accurate analysis of leukopenic samples (L-WBC mode) helps get a realistic idea of the neutrophil count during chemotherapy.
A wide range of parameters determined by the XN-550 analyzer provides an effective diagnostic tool in the clinician’s hands.
Diagnostics of septic and inflammatory processes: the XN-L and XN series devices are the only devices that provide the clinician with the absolute and relative content of immature neutrophils (IG, the total content of metamyelocytes, promyelocytes, and myelocytes). The effectiveness of this indicator has been proven for the diagnosis and monitoring of septic conditions.
Diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of iron deficiency: the parameter of hemoglobinization of reticulocytes (Ret-He) is an accurate and inflammation-independent marker of iron deficiency. The Dlta-He indicator (the difference between the reticulocyte and the erythrocyte) is an early marker of the effectiveness of iron deficiency therapy.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of erythropoiesis: the IRF parameter (fraction of immature reticulocytes) allows you to assess the activity of the red hematopoietic germ.
Specifications of the Sysmex XN 550 at a Glance:
- The Sysmex XN 550 allows a total throughput of around 60 samples in an hour.
- Automatic rerun and reflex functionality
- It is a six-part differential analyzer.
- The sample volume of the Sysmex XN 550 is approximately 95µL.
- You can load the sample automatically.
- The number of parameters is 23.
- It features a fully integrated IPU.
- The Sysmex XN 550 has an LCD color touch screen.
- It has samples memory of up to 100000.
Workings and Benefits of the Sysmex XN 550:
As mentioned, the Sysmex XN 550 is an automated analyzer featuring a six-part differential. It features an integrated IPU and works through a compact color LCD touch display. Besides, thanks to its automatic sample loader and rerun/reflex features, the Sysmex XN 550 offers improved workflow productivity.
The Sysmex XN 550 operates with a method that is free of cyanide for measuring hemoglobin. If you are not familiar with cyanide, it is a chemical compound that prevents cells from using oxygen. It also allows a total throughput of around 60 samples in an hour.
Furthermore, the Sysmex XN 550 provides options for anemia management and body fluid counts. Overall, this automated hematology analyzer maximizes productivity and offers rapid and accurate results.
To sum up, the Sysmex XN 550 is not just a mere hematology analyzer. Instead, it is a standardized tool that can take in-vitro diagnostics testing beyond a better box. Besides, it advances healthcare with its six-part differential.
Another crucial feature is that it delivers the added value of having a reportable Immature Granulocyte on every sample. Hence, it offers improved clinical value. Overall, the performance of the Sysmex XN 550 is outstanding and reliable. For this reason, it is an ideal analyzer for use in hospitals, clinical laboratories, or any other medical setup.
- Sysmex America Reagent Fluorocell™ RET Hematology Reticulocyte
- Reagent, 10 Liter Diluent,
- Reagent, 20 x 4 mL Hematology Hematology, For XN-Series Automated Hematology Analyzers, sold as CELLCLEAN AUTO
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